The Dimensions of M-Interactivity and Their Impacts in the Mobile Commerce Context

Sujin Yang and Yun Jung Lee
International Journal of Electronic Commerce,
Volume 21, Number 4, 2016-2017, pp. 548-571.


Despite the significance of mobile interactivity in business success, not much literature has focused on distinguishing mobile interactivity (m-interactivity) from interactivity via fixed broadband Internet (e-interactivity). Accordingly, the current study attempts to build a new conceptual framework for m-interactivity. We explore several comprehensive dimensions of interactivity, and identify four key dimensions of m-interactivity by conducting both exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. We establish the influence of m-interactivity on the consumer response variables of enjoyment, satisfaction, and loyalty, as well as the relationships among them.

Key Words and Phrases: Consumer loyalty, customer satisfaction, m-commerce, mobile interactivity, mobile phone usage, user enjoyment.