Volume 4, Number 4 (Summer 2000)
Electronic Edition Released: June, 2000
- Vladimir Zwass, Editor’s Introduction
- Theodore H.K. Clark and Robert J. Kauffman, Guest Editors Introduction to the Special Section: Electronic Intermediaries and Networks in Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce
- Alina M. Chircu and Robert J. Kauffman, “Reintermediation Strategies in Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce“
- Robert B. Johnston and Horace Cheok Mak, “An Emerging Vision of Internet-Enabled Supply-Chain Electronic Commerce.“
- Judith Gebauer and Peter Buxmann, “Assessing the Value of Interorganizational Systems to Support Business Transactions.“
- Alfredo Vellido, Paulo J.G. Lisboa, and Karon Meehan, “Quantitative Characterization and Prediction of On-Line Purchasing Behavior: A Latent Variable Approach.“
- Thompson S.H. Teo and Bee Lian Too, “Information Systems Orientation and Business Use of the Internet: An Empirical Study.“